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Newborn Sleep: Simplified & Demystified
Welcome & Intro
What to expect when you're (taking this course) 🤰 (4:20)
Small Steps Giant Sleeps' Origin Story ⚡️ (2:52)
Download the Newborn Sleep Field Guide and other key resources! 📝
It's 3am and Baby won't sleep! Help!
Need a jumpstart to baby sleep? Start here. (9:02)
FAQ: Ok, but WHEN will my baby sleep through the night? 😳 (2:44)
The Science of Baby Sleep
Why is baby sleep so hard? Human babies are "born too soon." (2:27)
Circadian Rhythm (3:19)
Newborn Sleep Cycles (4:29)
To swaddle or not to swaddle? (1:53)
Swaddle Demo (1:33)
Over-tiredness and the "witching hour"
Awake Windows: My not-so-secret secret to great naps
Sleep Environement
The ABC's of Safe Sleep
A room conducive to great sleep: work smarter not harder!
Days with Baby 🌞
Intro to Eat, Play (Love)... for SLEEP (7:29)
A quick pause
Nights with Baby 🌙 ⭐️
Overnight feedings (7:53)
Intro to "Pause, Pat, Pop-In(Pickup)"... or the "3 P's" (8:21)
Weeks 1-3
Goals for weeks 1-3 (13:35)
Paced Bottle Feeding
Sleep: Awake Windows
Recap Weeks 1-3
Weeks 4-6
Goals for Weeks 4-6 (17:14)
But what does crying mean? The untold truths of newborn crying (6:12)
Track your baby's cues
FAQ: "But baby will ONLY sleep in my arms! They HATE the crib. What do I do?" (9:02)
What to do when baby wakes in the night
Recap Weeks 4-6
Is it Colic? Is it Reflux? Help!
The Colic and Reflux Survival Guide
Weeks 6-12
Goals Weeks 6-12 (18:10)
Eat: Growth Spurts
Recap Weeks 6-9
Beyond Newborn
The 4-Month Sleep Regression: What is it and why is it ruining my life? (15:05)
Wrap-Up and Next Steps
We were never meant to do this alone
Why is baby sleep so hard? Human babies are "born too soon."
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